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Home10000 Iu Of Vitamin D

10000 Iu Of Vitamin D

Experts Recommend Vitamin D 10000 Iu Upper Limit

Is it Safe to Take 10,000 IUs of Vitamin D3?

The tolerable upper intake level for oral vitamin D3 should be increased five-fold, experts from the US-based Council for Responsible Nutrition have said after a review of the science.

The risk assessment provides companies with a guide for safe upper levels for product formulations, and consumers with vital information on safe dosage levels from products.

This risk assessment was needed to show that newer evidence supports the conclusion that vitamin D is much safer then previously thought, particularly because of all the emergence research that shows benefit for vitamin D at higher levels than consumers were traditionally taking, lead author John Hathcock said.

Currently, the tolerable upper intake level in Europe and the US is set at 2000 International Units , equivalent to 50 micrograms per day. However, recent research, particularly from clinical trials, suggests that this should be raised. The CRN scientists state that this could be raised to 10,000 IU .

The reviewers, from the CRN, Mount Sinai Hospital in Toronto and Crieghton University in Nebraska, pooled data from 21 clinical trials using doses ranging from 10 to 2500 micrograms . The risk assessment also included data from animal studies, some of which used extraordinarily high doses of vitamin D3.

The reviewers note that normal dietary sources provide about 2.5 micrograms per day, while this can be increased up to 10 micrograms with fortified foods. Dietary supplements would provide higher doses.

Large Doses Can Be Harmful Even Without Symptoms Of Toxicity

Large doses of vitamin D can be harmful, even though there may not be immediate symptoms of toxicity.

Vitamin D is very unlikely to cause severe symptoms of toxicity right away, and symptoms may take months or years to show up.

This is one reason why vitamin D toxicity is so difficult to detect.

There have been reports of people taking very large doses of vitamin D for months without symptoms, yet blood tests revealed severe hypercalcemia and symptoms of kidney failure .

The harmful effects of vitamin D are very complex. High doses of vitamin D can cause hypercalcemia without toxicity symptoms, but can also cause toxicity symptoms without hypercalcemia .

To be safe, do not exceed the 4,000 IU upper limit without consulting a doctor or dietitian.


Vitamin D toxicity usually develops over time, and the harmful effects are very complex. Large doses may cause damage, despite a lack of noticeable symptoms.

Iu Vitamin D Daily Is Safe Toxicity Start At 150 Ng Jan 2013

Anti-Cancer Agents in Medicinal Chemistry Volume 13 Issue 1 pp.4-10

Overview Toxicity of vitamin D which has the following summary

Summary of points of this paper by Vitamin D Council Dec 2012

  • Data on skin synthesis of vitamin D indicate oral intake of 10,000 IU/day is safe.
  • The half-life of 25D3 is about 3 weeks. That is, it takes about 3 weeks for the body to metabolize one-half of a dose of vitamin D.However, this depends on initial levels, the lower the initial level the longer the half-life.
  • Vitamin D intoxication is rare, while vitamin D deficiency is widespread and a re-emerging global health problem.
  • Excessive vitamin D intake leads to low blood phosphate levels.
  • Vitamin D toxicity is probably caused by the effects of elevated 25D itself, not by elevated 1,25D levels.
  • Professor Hector DeLuca of the University of Wisconsin, recently concluded that high blood calcium might occur in some people after prolonged daily doses of 25,000 IU/day.
  • 10,000 IU/day for six months in young men led to mean 25D levels of 90 ng/ml.
  • 5,000 IU/day for six months in young men led to mean 25D levels of 53 ng/ml.
  • Dr John Hathcocks analysis of 20 publications showed no ill effects of using 10,000 IU/day.
  • Most reports indicate the toxicity threshold is somewhere between 10,000 and 40,000 IU/day.
  • High intermittent doses of vitamin D, such as monthly doses, should be avoided.
  • A high initial serum 25D level somehow allows the body to rid itself of most of an additional dose of vitamin D.
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    Symptoms Of Too Much Vitamin D

    What happens if you take too much vitamin D? Some signs that you might be getting an excessive amount of vitamin D include:

    If you are experiencing these symptoms, talk to your doctor. Be sure to tell them which supplements, medications, and substances you take, including their dosages. If your doctor suspects that your symptoms might be linked to too much vitamin D, they may administer lab tests to check your blood serum levels.

    Vitamin D toxicity can result in other consequences, including kidney and bone problems. Your doctor may also look for signs of the following problems caused by excess vitamin D.

    Iu Of Vitamin D For 7 Years With No Excessive Calcium In 4800 Patients Dec 2018

    Vitamin D3 10,000 IU by Healthy Origins 481350 : Items

    Daily oral dosing of vitamin D3 using 5000 TO 50,000 international units a day in long-term hospitalized patients: Insights from a seven year experienceJournal of Steroid Biochemistry & Molecular Biology Patrick J McCullough MD1,2, Douglas S Lehrer MD1,2, Jeffrey Amend RN2.1 Department of Psychiatry, Wright State University School of Medicine, Dayton, Ohio, 45435 2 Summit Behavioral Healthcare, Cincinnati, Ohio, 45237.

    NOTE: ~10 months for the response to plateau


    • Daily dosing with vitamin D ranged from 5000 IU/day to 50,000 IU/day
    • No cases of hypercalcemia observed using these doses of vitamin D for up to 7 years
    • The highest 25OHD blood level attained on 10,000 IU/day was 202 ng/ml
    • Mean 25OHD levels on 10,000 IU/day were 96 ng/ml and 116 ng/ml in 2 data sets
    • A case of asthma and psoriasis were controlled with 25,000 IU/d and 50,000 IU/d

    Also Check: How To Use Hyaluronic Acid And Vitamin C Serum

    Vitamin D3/k2 Provides Needed Calcium Absorption

    My Vitamin D3/K2 formula is essential for calcium absorption and bone health. Vitamin D facilitates calcium absorption from the GI tract into the bloodstream and thus plays an important role in maintaining bone density. Once Calcium is absorbed, Vitamin K helps transport calcium from the bloodstream into the bone. Together these two vitamins help maintain appropriate calcium skeletal distribution. Calcium is critical for optimal bone density as well as normal growth.

    Vitamin D supports neurological health and a positive mood! Often called the sunshine vitamin, Vitamin D3 plays a unique role in helping to regulate neurotransmitter balance in the brain, and therefore, mood and outlook. Due to its function in regulating serotonin and dopamine production and release in certain regions in the brain, Vitamin D plays a big role in helping to support and maintain a positive and happy mood.

    Who Should Take My Vitamin D3/k2 10000iu Capsules

    My Vitamin D3/K2 Capsules formula are perfect for anyone who:

    • Does not or cannot get adequate sun exposure
    • Takes a calcium supplement
    • Wants to support healthy immune function
    • Wishes to support a balanced inflammation response
    • Wants to support bone health
    • Wants to support a healthy heart and cardiovascular system
    • Needs help supporting a positive mood

    Suggested Use: Take one capsule per day, preferably with a meal. Consult your physician before use and recheck blood levels after two months.

    Contents: 60 Capsules

    Warning:Consult your healthcare practitioner prior to use. Individuals taking medication should discuss potential interactions with their healthcare practitioner. Consider total vitamin K intake if you are taking blood-thinning medication. Keep out of reach of children. Store away from heat and moisture.

    DOES NOT CONTAIN: Gluten, wheat, dairy, soy, GMOs, or yeast.


    What is the optimal level of Vitamin D?

    Optimal levels of Vitamin D have been hotly contested for decades, with normal being described by many physicians as anything above 20ng/dl. These days, many progressive doctors are waking up to how important Vitamin D is, and how much is required to support optimal health, thus many have changed normal to anything above 30ng/dl. I prefer to see my patients between 55-80ng/dl. Speak to your qualified healthcare provider to find out what level is best for you based on your age, weight, and health history.

    How can I find out my Vitamin D levels?

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    Is A Daily 5000 Iu Dosage Of Vitamin D Safe

    But, whats the upper vitamin D dose per day for adults? Most vitamin D supplements contain 5,000 IU of vitamin D per tablet. Is 5,000 IU a safe dosage for daily consumption?

    The FNB recommends no more than 4,000 IU for adults a day. Thats a pretty conservative dosage, though. Even daily dosages of 10,000 IU are considered safe with low risk of toxicity.

    If youre taking vitamin D supplements for a long time, you should check your blood concentration. Above all, consult your physician. You shouldnt exceed toxicity levels.

    Vitamin D Is Crucial For Optimal Immune Function

    Now Foods Highest Potency Vitamin D-3 10,000 IU – 120 Softgels

    Vitamin D3 is essential for supporting healthy immune system function. If youre finding yourself under the weather too often, that may be a sign that your Vitamin D levels are suboptimal. Vitamin D works hand in hand with your body to modulate immune activity. Many immune cells have receptors for Vitamin D including macrophages, dendritic cells, monocytes, as well as T-lymphocytes and B-lymphocytes. This means that Vitamin D plays a big role in modulating both innate and adaptive immune responses, thereby regulating everything from reactivity to antigens and pathogens, and even chronic disease states and autoimmunity.

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    What Causes Vitamin D Toxicity

    Vitamin D toxicity is almost always the result of excess supplementation. Because your body regulates vitamin D production, you are unlikely to develop it as a result of sun exposure . Foods generally do not contain large amounts of vitamin D, so getting an excessive amount in your diet is unlikely.

    People may begin taking vitamin D supplements in order to address a deficiency or to help relieve symptoms of things like seasonal affective disorder or depression. The problem is that they may go overboard or think that taking more will produce more beneficial effects.

    Vitamin D Toxicity: How Does It Happen

    Vitamin D toxicity implies that vitamin D levels in the body are so high that they cause harm.

    Its also termed hypervitaminosis D.

    Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin. In contrast to water-soluble vitamins, the body has no easy way of getting rid of fat-soluble vitamins.

    For this reason, excessive amounts may build up inside the body.

    The exact mechanism behind vitamin D toxicity is complicated and isnt fully understood at this point.

    However, we know that the active form of vitamin D functions in a similar way as a steroid hormone.

    It travels inside cells, telling them to turn genes on or off.

    Usually, most of the bodys vitamin D is in storage, bound to either vitamin D receptors or carrier proteins. Very little free vitamin D is available (

    • Sufficient: 2030 ng/mL, or 5075 nmol/L
    • Safe upper limit: 60 ng/mL, or 150 nmol/L
    • Toxic: above 150 ng/mL, or 375 nmol/L

    A daily vitamin D intake of 1,0004,000 IU should be enough to ensure optimal blood levels for most people.


    Blood levels in the range of 2030 ng/mL are usually considered sufficient. The safe upper limit is considered to be about 60 ng/mL, but people with symptoms of toxicity usually have levels above 150 ng/mL.

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    What Vitamin D Does In The Body

    Vitamin D is vital for strong bones and may protect from osteoporosis. Also, vitamin D is necessary for many other functions of the human body. Vitamin D deficiency has been linked to increased risk of hair loss, dry skin & wrinkles, cancer, cardiovascular disease, depression, multiple sclerosis, diabetes, obesity, decreased testosterone levels, and constipation.

    Does The Intake Of Other Fat VITAMIN D

    It has been hypothesized that two other fat-soluble vitamins, vitamin K and vitamin A, may play important roles in vitamin D toxicity.

    Vitamin K helps regulate where calcium ends up in the body, and high amounts of vitamin D may deplete the bodys stores of vitamin K (

    36 ).

    Keep in mind that these are just hypotheses, but it may be wise to make sure youre getting enough of these nutrients if youre going to supplement with vitamin D.


    If youre supplementing with vitamin D, then it may be important to also ensure sufficient intake of vitamin A, vitamin K, and magnesium. These may reduce the risk of adverse effects from a higher vitamin D intake.

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    Vitamin D Triage Theory

    Have you heard of the Vitamin D triage theory? This theory states that while Vitamin D3 is essential to almost every single aspect of whole-body health, it can ONLY support all of these areas of our well-being if we have enough. When Vitamin D is deficient, or even suboptimal, it will ONLY play a role in its most basic life-supporting functions, such as regulating calcium levels in the bloodstream. Its role in immune function, neurotransmitter balance, genetic expression, and more, will be slowed or stopped completely until Vitamin D3 is brought back up to optimal levels!

    Vitamin D deficiency is easy and inexpensive to tackle! While its entirely clear that Vitamin D deficiency runs rampant in the United States, and throughout the world, the good news is that Vitamin D deficiency is easy to treat. Supplementation with the right kind of Vitamin D, and at the right dose, has been shown to quickly turnaround insufficiencies quickly and easily in most people.

    Vitamin D Deficiency Is More Common Than You Think

    Vitamin D deficiency is unfortunately all too common According to a 2011 study, 41.6% of adults in the United States are deficient in Vitamin D, easily making this one of the most common nutrient deficiencies in the United States. The % of those deficient goes up to 69.2% in Hispanics and 82.1% in African-Americans. This is due to the fact that those of us with darker skin absorb less UV light from the sun, making Vitamin D synthesis more difficult, making Vitamin D supplementation even more important in these populations.

    Read Also: Calcium And Vitamin D Supplements

    How Much Vitamin D Is Too Much

    Since relatively little is known about how vitamin D toxicity works, its hard to define an exact threshold for safe or toxic vitamin D intake .

    According to the National Academy of Medicine, formerly known as the Institute of Medicine, 4,000 IU is the safe upper level of daily vitamin D intake. However, doses up to 10,000 IU have not been shown to cause toxicity in healthy individuals (

    28 ).

    Hypercalcemia caused by regularly taking high amounts of vitamin D supplements may take a few months to resolve. This is because vitamin D accumulates in body fat and is released into the blood slowly .

    Treating vitamin D intoxication includes avoiding sun exposure and eliminating all dietary and supplemental vitamin D.

    A doctor may also correct your calcium levels with increased salt and fluids, often by intravenous saline.


    The main consequence of vitamin D toxicity is hypercalcemia, with symptoms including nausea, vomiting, weakness, and kidney failure. Treatment involves limiting all vitamin D intake and sun exposure.

    What Is Vitamin D And Why Is It Important

    10,000 IU of Vitamin D daily: Are You Crazy?

    Vitamin D belongs to the family of fat-soluble vitamins, which include vitamins A, D, E and K. These vitamins are absorbed well with fat and are stored in the liver and fatty tissues.

    There are two main forms of vitamin D in the diet:

    • Vitamin D2 : Found in plant foods like mushrooms.
    • Vitamin D3 : Found in animal foods like salmon, cod and egg yolks.

    However, sunlight is the best natural source of vitamin D3. The UV rays from sunlight convert cholesterol in your skin into vitamin D3 .

    Before your body can use dietary vitamin D, it must be activated through a series of steps .

    First, the liver converts dietary vitamin D into the storage form of vitamin D. This is the form that is measured in blood tests. Later, the storage form is converted by the kidneys to the active form of vitamin D thats used by the body .

    Interestingly, D3 is twice as effective at raising blood levels of vitamin D as vitamin D2 .

    The main role of vitamin D in the body is to manage blood levels of calcium and phosphorus. These minerals are important for healthy bones .

    Research also shows that vitamin D aids your immune system and may reduce your risk of heart disease and certain cancers .

    A low blood level of vitamin D is linked to a greater risk of fractures and falls, heart disease, multiple sclerosis, several cancers and even death (

    16 ).

    For instance, an analysis of five studies examined the link between vitamin D blood levels and colorectal cancer .

    Read Also: Recommended Daily Dose Vitamin D

    Whats The Best Time To Take Vitamin D

    You should take vitamin D supplements with a meal. As vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin, its best absorbed when we eat food that contains fat. Seeds and nuts are the healthiest sources of fat. Moreover, seeds and nuts are among the most nutrient-dense food you can have. For instance, walnuts and flaxseeds are the best dietary sources of the omega-3 fatty acids.

    You can compare prices of vitamin D supplements on Amazon.


    Those Who Live Farther Away From The Equator

    Countries close to the equator get plenty of sunlight all year round. Conversely, countries farther away from the equator get less sunlight all year round.

    This can cause low blood vitamin D levels, especially during winter months when there is even less sunlight.

    For instance, a study of Norwegians discovered that they dont produce much vitamin D3 from their skin during the winter months of October to March .

    If you live far from the equator, then you need to get more vitamin D from your diet and supplements. Many experts believe that people in these countries should consume at least 1,000 IU daily .

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