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HomeIs Vitamin B12 Good For Tinnitus

Is Vitamin B12 Good For Tinnitus

Magnesium Prevents Inner Ear Damagemagnesium Prevents Inner Ear Damage

tinnitus b12

Noise-induced hearing loss is a significant health issue among adults. However, researchers have found magnesium may play an important role in protecting our ears from the damaging effects of noise. Loud sounds prompt the production of free radical molecules in our ear, which damage the delicate hair cells of the inner ear. Since these hair cells are needed to transmit sound from the ear to the brain, this damage can result in noise-induced hearing loss.

The good news: evidence suggests that magnesium is an important ear health mineral because it helps block the activity of these cell-damaging molecules. In one study, 300 subjects who were given a magnesium supplement before prolonged exposure to loud noise were significantly less likely to develop noise-induced hearing loss than the control group.

Many people with noise-induced hearing loss also suffer from tinnitus. Magnesium has been shown to relieve the severity of tinnitus symptoms. A healthy supply of magnesium also keeps the blood vessels relaxed, allowing adequate blood to flow throughout the body, including through the vessels in the inner ear.

Vitamins For Ear Health

Vitamins are organic substances found in plants and animals, which we need in order to grow and remain healthy. Our bodies do not produce enough vitamins on their own, so its important to load up on a variety of vitamin-rich foods and/or take vitamin supplements. Wondering which vitamins could improve hearing or ward off hearing loss? Here are some great vitamins for ear health.

What Is The Ringing

If you hear a ringing sound in your ears, it may be tinnitus. Tinnitus isnt a disorder or condition. Its a symptom of a bigger problem like Menieres disease, which is usually related to the inside of your inner ear.

More than 45 million Americans live with tinnitus.

The supplement Lipo-Flavonoid has been promoted to treat this health problem. Yet there is a lack of evidence showing that it helps, and some of its ingredients could be more harmful than helpful.

Read on to learn more about Lipo-Flavonoid, and other treatments that have a better track record.

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Vitamin B12 And Tinnitus

Tinnitus refers to a ringing in the ears that frequently accompanies hearing loss. Based upon the statistics from the Hearing Health Foundation, an estimated 48 million individuals in the United States and nearly 477 million around the world experience these signs, specifically as they age. While preliminary tinnitus hardly ever shows a major condition, it can be extremely challenging to cope with as it advances and ends up being more serious. vitamin b12 and tinnitus

There could be lots of possible reasons for tinnitus. It could vary from direct exposure to loud noises, age, genetic aspects, and even specific restrictions in ones diet. Regrettably, as soon as tinnitus sets in, it is really difficult to get rid of the ringing noise. There are some medical treatments for it, but due to its minimal success at completely restoring good hearing, individuals now aim to alternative natural services to supply relief or even prevent it from taking place altogether.

In the myriad of available solutions, consumers can get extremely baffled as to which are great alternatives to take to address their tinnitus difficulties. We aim to assess the readily available options and sift out the finest tinnitus relief supplements for 2021. vitamin b12 and tinnitus

Lack Of Vitamin A May Be Overlooked Root Of Tinnitus And Hearing Loss

Health Concern :: Sensory Organs :: Tinnitus :: Solgar ...

Posted May 21, 2014: by Bill Sardi

Nutritional supplementation may play a preventive, therapeutic or even regenerative role when hearing loss occurs. Frequently doctors are remiss in making nutritional recommendations. It is now a common practice for physicians to address every disease as if it were a drug deficiency in the face of published reports showing nutritional imbalances are at the root of most chronic diseases.

For example, confronted with a case of sudden unexplained loss of hearing, physicians impulsively inject steroids that have been shown to work no better than an inactive placebo. Yet there are valid nutritional approaches to emergent cases of hearing loss, as explained below.

An estimated 360 million people worldwide are hearing impaired. The most prevalent cause of hearing loss is advancing age. Presbycusis, the medical term for hard of hearing, originates from the Greek words presbys elder + akousis hearing.

However, there are other issues outside of aging that increase the risk for hearing loss, namely anemia, toxic drugs , loud noise, excessive alcohol and diabetes. Then there is sudden idiopathic hearing loss a severe decline in hearing of unexplained origin.

Aside from some lame attempts to allay the symptoms of hearing loss, physicians have little to offer for the common form of this problem.

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If You Are Sick And Tired Of Dealing With The Pesky And Downright Life

There are some foods that can make your tinnitus symptoms a lot worse, all of which need to be avoided. Lots of sugar, fats, salt, and caffeine are all bad and can make tinnitus symptoms much worse.

However, there are also many foods, which in one way or another, can help your tinnitus symptoms decrease in severity. Lets talk about 5 foods to help tinnitus sufferers gain some relief. Keep in mind that we might not talk about specific foods here, but group them together, such as ones that are high in zinc, iron, and other such nutrients.

Is Tinnitus A Cause For Vitamin B

A pilot study was conducted among 40 people, both men and women, in the age group of 18 to 60 years. The group had people suffering from chronic tinnitus for over six months . In 27.5 percent of the cases, tinnitus was present in both ears and in 72.5 percent cases, only one ear was affected by the condition.

Those participating in the study were placed into two groups . While 1 mL of intramuscular methylcobalamin was given to the first group , the second group was given 1 mL of intramuscular isotonic saline . Neither the examiner nor the patient was aware of the treatment administered.

The key results included tinnitus matching, tone audiometry, vitamin B-12 analysis as well as a self-report compiled with the help of a tinnitus severity testing questionnaire.

According to the analysis, 17 patients out of the total 40 had vitamin B-12 deficiency.

In the first group, those who suffered from a B12 deficiency demonstrated some progress in the average tinnitus severity index reading. At the same time, those in the first group who werent deficient in B12 and those in the second group who were given placebo, showed zero progress in the severity index reading.

There was a significant improvement in the patients from the first group with regards to tinnitus loudness post therapy. There was no major improvement in the patients from the second group.

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Zinc Fights Off Bacteria And Viruseszinc Fights Off Bacteria And Viruses

This micronutrient is known for its immune-boosting powers and ability to help fight off colds. Zinc helps activate and produce T-cells our bodies defender cells that are specifically designed to recognize and destroy bacteria, viruses and other invaders. While studies have shown mixed results on whether this mineral actually prevents ear infections, its not a bad idea to fuel up on foods rich in this anti-inflammatory mineral for your hearing health. One hearing-related issue that zinc has been shown to help is sudden hearing loss. Research shows zinc supplementation can help recover and improve hearing for those experiencing sudden sensorineural hearing loss .

Note: Check with your doctor first before adding zinc supplement to your routine, especially if you take antibiotics or diuretics, as zinc can negatively interact with these types of medications.

Does Vitamin B12 Help Improve Tinnitus

Tinnitus Cures: 5 Supplements To Cure Tinnitus

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Ask U.S. doctors your own question and get educational, text answers â it’s anonymous and free!

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Do You Get Enough Sleep Melatonin May Help

Tinnitus can be particularly bothersome at bedtime when you are trying to sleep.

If youre having a hard time falling asleep or staying asleep all night, you might want to try a natural sleep aid such as LUNA Natural Sleep Aid which is a #1 best seller on Amazon.

Some people find that taking a natural sleep aid which contains melatonin greatly improves their overall quality of sleep, and their tinnitus symptoms significantly decrease.

LUNA Natural Sleep Aid is a popular all-natural product made from a harmonious blend of relaxing herbs, nutrients and melatonin. These natural ingredients promote a deep sleep without the usual side effects of prescription sleeping pills.

What Vitamin Deficiency Causes Ringing In The Ears

  • What Vitamin Deficiency Causes Ringing in the Ears? Center
  • Tinnitus is a common problem that affects the inner ear. While many people describe it as a ringing in the ears, for some it may sound like high-pitched hissing, low-pitched roaring, chirping, screeching, buzzing or humming.

    These symptoms can be exacerbated during times of stress or fatigue and lead to frustration, irritability and depression. The noise may also cause insomnia.

    Tinnitus has been linked to vitamin B12 and vitamin D deficiencies.

    Vitamin B12

    • Vitamin B12 helps create myelin, which is the insulative and protective cover that surrounds the nerves. Vitamin B12 deficiency can irritate and hamper the function of nerves in the ear.
    • Research studies have shown that people with tinnitus experienced improvement in symptoms after undergoing vitamin B12 supplemental therapy.
    • Vitamin B12 can be found in foods such as meat, fish and dairy products it can also be produced in a Lab. It is often taken in combination with other B vitamins.
    • Vitamin D deficiency can cause poor bone health, including the internal ear bones.
    • Vitamin D is found in dairy, fortified cereals and mushrooms and is mainly synthesized in the skin upon exposure to sunlight.

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    What Vitamins Are Good For Tinnitus

    Are you looking for vitamins to treat your tinnitus symptoms? Vitamins and nutritional supplements are considered effective in getting rid of tinnitus symptoms such as are zinc, vitamin B12 and ginkgo biloba. Zinc Zinc is a mineral that is important for the well being of our body and should be consumed regularly. Most people who Read more

    Vitamins And Supplements For Ear Health

    Sentinel Premium Ear Wellness Complex Sustained Release ...

    Vitamins and mineralswe all know theyre good for our overall health. But did you know those benefits extend to our ears as well? From potassium and magnesium to vitamins C and E, nutrients pack a punch when it comes to hearing health care. Lets dive into which vitamins and supplements are known to help ear health.

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    What Vitamin Deficiencies Cause Tinnitus

    Scurvy was traced back to a specific vitamin deficiency: Vitamin C. So is there an identified deficiency that causes tinnitus? Researchers have been attempting to discover the answer to that question for years, though no clear favorite has been identified. Some research suggests that a vitamin B12 deficiency is related to tinnitus.

    Other research suggests that zinc levels tend to be lower in those who have non-hearing loss-related tinnitus. Zinc is technically a mineral .

    Unfortunately, its difficult to draw a single, clear path from either of these deficiencies to tinnitus. In part, thats because tinnitus itself is a rather fluid ailment the ringing and buzzing in your eareven when not related to hearing losscan have a myriad of causes.

    But people think of vitamins as if they were the same thing as a pain medication. When youre in pain, taking pain medication typically helps. But if you have tinnitus, taking a specific vitamin will only help if its both true that you have that vitamin deficiency and thats whats causing your tinnitus.

    The Forgotten Vitamin A Report

    This report calls attention to another important paper published over a half century ago involving hearing loss and vitamin A.

    The important role of vitamin A in prevention and restoration of hearing loss was reviewed way back in 1951 by M Joseph Lobel MD, a practicing physician in New York.

    Dr. Lobel had published a preliminary report in 1949. He followed that report with a longer discourse that presented his experience with injectable vitamin A among 300 patients with hearing loss.

    Dr. Lobels work stood on the shoulders of those who had preceded him and his published paper recognized them. The idea that vitamin A resolved or prevented hearing loss had been circulating since the 1920s.

    Dr. Lobel noted a published study by Roy A. Barlow in 1927 noted that deficiency of vitamin A causing changes in the mucus membrane of the respiratory tract might be considered a possible factor in the production of changes in the soft tissue of the middle ear, which might become permanent.

    Dr. Lobel refers to observational studies published by Drs. Anderson, Zoller and Alexander that injectable vitamin A therapy in massive doses is a valuable therapeutic agent in patients with deafness not amenable to the usual methods of treatment.

    Then Dr. Lobel returns to the topic of vitamin A and refers to other early inconsistent reports, some which showed that vitamin A-rich cod liver oil remedied some cases of tinnitus without hearing improvement.

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    So Should I Keep Taking Vitamins

    If youre having trouble managing your vitamin and mineral levels, it might be worth speaking to a physicianfirst to confirm you have deficiencies and to find out the best way to address those deficiencies.

    Whether supplements are the right approach to treat your tinnitus depends on a wide variety of factors, including your diet, your overall health, and the severity of your symptoms. Making those treatment choices is a decision you should make with your specialist. Usually, getting your vitamins and minerals from natural food sources is preferred.

    And thats the truth about vitamins and tinnitus.

    Are You Deficient In Zinc The Benefits Of Zinc Treatment:

    vitamin tinnitus treatment

    Are you deficient in zinc? Low zinc levels are another factor that could be contributing to your tinnitus symptoms.

    Research conducted in 1997 by the Department of Otorhinolaryngology at St Marianna University School of Medicine confirms that low serum zinc levels are common in people with tinnitus. During this study, the participants with low blood zinc levels were given zinc treatment and saw their condition improve as their zinc levels increased. The results suggest that zinc is beneficial in the treatment of some cases of tinnitus. To get these results, the participants were given 34-68 mg of zinc per day for two weeks.

    Some foods that have a high zinc concentrate are: oysters, crab, beef, liver, dairy products, pumpkin seeds and nuts such as Brazil nuts, cashews and pecans.

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    How Can Vitamin Deficiencies Be Treated

    Vitamin B12

    Symptoms of vitamin B12 deficiency can be treated with vitamin B12 tablets or injections. There are two types of B12 injections:

  • Hydroxocobalamin or vitamin B12a: This is a vitamin found in foods such as meat, fish, eggs and milk and can be used as a dietary supplement.
  • Cyanocobalamin: This is a synthetic form of vitamin B12. Like hydroxocobalamin, it can be used to treat nutrient deficiencies in people who have difficulty getting enough vitamin B12 in their regular diets.
  • Low levels of vitamin B12 may be caused by:

    • Pernicious anemia, a condition where a persons immune system mistakenly reduces their ability to absorb the vitamin.
    • Conditions affecting the stomach or intestines that interfere with the absorption of vitamin B12, such as malabsorption syndromes and tropical sprue.
    • Poor diet or lack of vitamins in the diet.
    • Certain medications, such as metformin used for diabetes.
    • Excessive coffee drinking, smoking etc.

    Vitamin D

    Vitamin D can be taken as a capsule every week for three months, or administered intramuscularly.

    Risk Of Drug Interactions

    There is also always a risk of adverse drug interactions when a tinnitus patient is taking other prescription medications or supplements. Many tinnitus patients do not discuss these supplements with their doctor and that can lead to problems, depending on other health conditions they may have, and the medications they take for said conditions.

    At the very least, its safe to say there are far more risks to consider than most people realize.

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    Vitamin B12 For Tinnitus

    A new study on the cause of tinnitus leads sufferers to hope that vitamin B12 may be an essential key in reversing frustrating ear ringing and phantom sounds caused by noise-induced tinnitus. Here are the results of the study, which focused on damaged nerve cells of the inner ears.

    The Truth About Vitamins And Tinnitus

    Vitamin For Ringing In The Ears

    The truth about vitamins and tinnitus can feel elusive. If you grew up during a certain era, theres one thing that comes to mind when you think of vitamins: The Flintstones. Advertising for the childrens chewable supplements was omnipresent. If that memory rings true, you might be of the mindset that vitamins can solve any problem, so long as you take them on a daily basis .

    When youve lived your entire life hearing about the miraculous properties of vitamins, the notion that vitamins could cure a ringing in your ears might feel quite logical. But the reality is more complicated. The scientific basis behind vitamins as some kind of universal cure is murky, at best. Thats why were exploring the truth behind vitamins and tinnitus.

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