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Where Do You Get Vitamin B

Stay Healthy During Pregnancy With Vitamin B9

Should you Treat or Supplement with Vitamin B? (NEUROBION)

In the past, vitamin B9 was called vitamin B11 and today it is more commonly known as folic acid. Especially women in pregnancy have an increased need for folic acid. This is because it is a cell vitamin that is important for all growth processes involving cell division.

But for folic acid to be activated at all, a particularly important vitamin is necessary. This is vitamin B12.

How To Use Vitamin B

If you are taking the over-the-counter product to self-treat, follow all directions on the product package before taking this medication. If you have any questions, consult your pharmacist. If your doctor has directed you to take this medication, take as directed by your doctor.

Take this medication by mouth, usually once daily with or without food or as directed by your doctor or the product package. Use this product regularly to get the most benefit from it. To help you remember, take it at the same time each day.

The dosage is based on your medical condition, response to treatment, and laboratory tests. Consult your doctor or pharmacist for more details.

There are many brands and forms of cyanocobalamin available. Read the dosing instructions carefully for each product because the amount of cyanocobalamin may be different between products.

If you are using the liquid form of this medication, carefully measure the dose using a special measuring device/spoon. Do not use a household spoon because you may not get the correct dose. Some liquid brands may require you to shake the bottle well before each dose.

If you are taking the extended-release tablets, do not crush or chew them. Doing so can release all of the drug at once, increasing the risk of side effects. Also, do not split extended-release tablets unless they have a score line and your doctor or pharmacist tells you to do so. Swallow the whole or split tablet without crushing or chewing.

Why Do You Need Regular Sources Of Water Soluble Vitamins

Water-soluble vitamins are those that are dissolved in water and readily absorbed into tissues for immediate use. Because they are not stored in the body, they need to be replenished regularly in our diet. Any excess of water-soluble vitamins is quickly excreted in urine and will rarely accumulate to toxic levels.

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Some Fish Contains More Vitamin B Than Others

Fish, like meat, is especially high in certain B vitamins, but Hartley notes that certain fish, such as trout, are just a bit more nutrient-rich in vitamin B than other kinds.

“I especially encourage people to eat omega-3 fatty fish like trout, salmon, sardines. These ones happen to be a bit higher in complex B vitamins too,” she said. “If someone doesn’t like the fishy taste of those fatty fishes, they can still get B vitamins from more delicate white fish like mahi-mahi and cod.”

Folic Acid Is Essential For A Healthy Baby

Vitamin B

Vitamin B9, also called folic acid or folate, is a nutrient that’s necessary for the body’s growth and development. The National Institutes of Health recommends that adults get 400 micrograms daily, while breast-feeding mothers need 500 mcg a day, and pregnant teens and women should get 600 mcg a day. Naturally occurring folate is found in many sources, including dark-green leafy vegetables, asparagus, brussels sprouts, oranges, nuts, beans, and peas. In addition, folic acid is added to many fortified foods such as cereals and breads.

Teens and women who are pregnant or planning to get pregnant may find it difficult to get enough folate, but this B vitamin is vital to a baby’s health and development. Getting enough folate prevents neural tube birth defects in babies and promotes healthy growth.

The Office of Dietary Supplements of the National Institutes of Health recommends talking with your healthcare providers about any dietary supplements you take.

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Benefits Of Vitamin B12 Injections

A vitamin B12 injection can bring on immediate health benefits. It increases energy levels and concentration, may improve metabolism, boosts the immune system, and aids in restful sleep. Since this vitamin is essential for DNA synthesis, nerve cell health, red blood cell formation, and neurological function, a vitamin B12 injection really is a no-brainer.

What Does The Department Of Health And Social Care Advise

You should be able to get the amount of niacin you need by eating a varied and balanced diet.

If you take niacin supplements, do not take too much as this might be harmful.

Taking 17mg or less of nicotinic acid supplements a day, or 500mg or less of nicotinamide supplements a day, is unlikely to cause any harm.

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Why Vitamin B12 Is Important

The human body needs vitamin B12 to make red blood cells, nerves, DNA, and carry out other functions. The average adult should get 2.4 micrograms a day. Like most vitamins, B12cant be made by the body. Instead, it must be gotten from food or supplements.

And therein lies the problem: Some people dont consume enough vitamin B12 to meet their needs, while others cant absorb enough, no matter how much they take in. As a result, vitamin B12 deficiency is relatively common, especially among older people.

Vitamin B12 Deficiency Can Be Sneaky Harmful

You Need Vitamin B-12, Where Do You Get It?

What harm can having too little of vitamin B12 do? Consider this: Over the course of two months, a 62-year-old man developed numbness and a “pins and needles” sensation in his hands, had trouble walking, experienced severe joint pain, began turning yellow, and became progressively short of breath. The cause was lack of vitamin B12 in his bloodstream, according to a case report from Harvard-affiliated Massachusetts General Hospital published in The New England Journal of Medicine. It could have been worsea severe vitamin B12 deficiency can lead to deep depression, paranoia and delusions, memory loss, incontinence, loss of taste and smell, and more.

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What Vegetables Are Water Soluble

Vitamin C, or ascorbic acid, is water-soluble. This vitamin is only found in vegetables and fruits. Fruits and vegetables with the densest vitamin C concentrations include citrus fruits, cantaloupe, peppers, strawberries, cabbage family vegetables, papayas, kiwi, potatoes, mangoes, lettuce, and tomatoes.

How Much Vitamin B12 Do I Need

Adults need about 1.5 micrograms a day of vitamin B12.

If you eat meat, fish or dairy foods, you should be able to get enough vitamin B12 from your diet.

But as vitamin B12 is not found naturally in foods such as fruit, vegetables and grains, vegans may not get enough of it.

Read about the vegan diet for nutrition information and advice.

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Why You Need B Vitamins

The B vitamin group plays a special role in your body. First of all, B vitamins help enzymes with several functions, including:

  • Releasing energy from proteins, carbohydrates, and fats
  • Breaking down amino acids
  • Moving oxygen and energy around your body

B vitamins also help your cells grow and multiply. Some B vitamins also aid the bodys production of hemoglobin, which is important for red blood cells. Hemoglobin gives blood its red color and also helps transport oxygen throughout your body.

Some other health benefits of B vitamins include:

Immune Function

Vitamin B6, or pyridoxine, supports biochemical reactions in your immune system. Taking this B vitamin as a supplement has been proven to increase immune responses in people who are critically ill.

Brain Health

Data from studies suggests that the more B vitamins there are in your blood, the better your performance will be with tests involving memory, problem-solving, and word and sentence formation.

Disease Prevention

Vitamin B6 and B12 appear to play roles in reducing heart disease and some types of cancer. However, there is also research to suggest that long-term use of these two B vitamins might increase lung cancer risk in men.

You Should Eat The Whole Egg To Get Vitamin B

Vitamin B1

Eggs are a good source of B vitamins, too, Hartley pointed out. However, you’ve got to eat the entire egg or most of it, anyway in order to reap all of the nutritional benefits, she said.

“Some of those B vitamins are in the yolk,” said Hartley. “So, I encourage people to not toss the yolk to the side. Go ahead and eat it so you can get the full array of nutrition.”

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The Abcs Of Vitamins Vitamin B

Up next in our series is vitamin B. Vitamin B complex is essential for a variety of bodily tasks and functions, especially cell health and energy.

Lets explore this vitamin in detail.

What is Vitamin B?

Vitamin B, unlike other vitamins, is actually a family of eight different vitamins, each of which performs its own distinct functions. B1 , B2 , B3 , B5 , B6 , B7 , B9 and B12 make up this vitamin family.

What Does Vitamin B Do?

Vitamin B is well known for helping your body turn the food you eat into energy. But that is not all it does. Vitamin B also helps form red blood cells and is critical for the development and function of those cells. It promotes healthy hair, skin, nails and bones, and it keeps your heart healthy.

The easiest way to understand each of the B vitamins is to look at them individually to see what they are, what they do for your body, what foods to eat to make sure you are getting enough of them and how your body lets you know when arent.

Lets break it down.

Vitamin B1

Thiamine is what the body uses to turn the foods you eat into usable energy. It is also used to maintain proper nerve and heart function, boost immunity and prevent damage to your nerves.

Vitamin B1 can be found in whole grains, beef, pork, nuts, yeast and spinach.

Vitamin B1 deficiencies are rarely a problem in the United States because so many of the foods we eat are fortified with it.

Vitamin B2

Vitamin B3

Fish, seeds, peanuts, yeast and beets are the best food sources for B3.

What Are Vitamins

Vitamins are essential nutrients found in foods. They perform specific and vital functions in a variety of body systems, and are crucial for maintaining optimal health.

The two different types of vitamins are fat-soluble vitamins and water-soluble vitamins. Fat-soluble vitamins vitamins A, D, E and K dissolve in fat before they are absorbed in the bloodstream to carry out their functions. Excesses of these vitamins are stored in the liver, and are not needed every day in the diet. For more information on fat-soluble vitamins, see fact sheet 9.315 Fat-Soluble Vitamins: A, D, E, and K.

In contrast, water-soluble vitamins dissolve in water and are not stored by the body. Since they are eliminated in urine, we require a continuous daily supply in our diet. The water-soluble vitamins include the vitamin B-complex group and vitamin C.

Water-soluble vitamins are easily destroyed or washed out during food storage or preparation. Proper storage and preparation of food can minimize vitamin loss. To reduce vitamin loss, always refrigerate fresh produce, keep milk and grains away from strong light, and avoid boiling vegetables with the exception of soups where the broth is eaten.

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Where To Get It

  • Seafood
  • Clam, oysters, mussels, and crabs are all excellent sources of B12. They are perfect for incorporating into your summer recipes.

    2. Fish

    Tuna, salmon, and trout are also a good way to get your vitamin B12.

    3. Dairy

    Start your day off with milk or yogurt to get your daily dose of B12.

    We just highlighted a few of the health benefits and sources of these essential forms of vitamin B. There are so many more ways that these help your overall health. If you are looking to get more Vitamin B in your life, try BINTO. Not only will you get our daily vitamin , but you will also get our daily probiotic, non-toxic feminine care products, and more!

  • Office of Dietary Supplements – Dietary Supplement Fact Sheet: Vitamin B6. NIH Office of Dietary Supplements, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 11 Feb. 2016,
  • Sahakian, V, et al. Vitamin B6 Is Effective Therapy for Nausea and Vomiting of Pregnancy: a Randomized, Double-Blind Placebo-Controlled Study. Obstetrics and Gynecology., U.S. National Library of Medicine, July 1991,
  • Ehrlich, Steven D. Vitamin B12 . Penn State Hershey Health Information Library, A.D.A.M., Inc. , 19 Oct. 2015, pid=33& gid=000332.
  • Babcock, Jillian. Vitamin B12 Benefits and Deficiency Symptoms. Dr. Axe, 21 June 2017,

    B12 Deficiency: Who Is At Risk

    How to Get B12 Naturally

    Most healthy adults get sufficient B12 from their regular diet. However, it is common for older people to have some level of B12 deficiency. This is often due to a poor diet and less stomach acid, which the body needs to absorb B12 from food.

    Certain conditions and drugs also can interfere with absorption and increase your deficiency risk. For example, Crohn’s disease, pancreatic disease, diabetes, and heartburn medication, which reduces stomach acid. Vegans and vegetarians sometimes have trouble consuming enough B12 since many food sources are found in animal products like meat and dairy.

    Low levels of B12 can cause fatigue, nervousness, dizziness, numbness, and tingling in the fingers and toes. Severe, long-term deficiency may lead to loss of mobility, problems walking, or memory loss.

    A blood test from your doctor can measure B12 levels. A serious deficiency can be corrected with B12 shots or high-dose supplements.

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    The 8 B Vitamins A Great Team

    Today, 8 vitamins belong to the B vitamins. As it has been discovered over time that some substances that originally belonged to the B vitamins do not have the character of vitamins, the numbering of the vitamins is not continuous.

    So the following substances are therefore considered to be B vitamins today:

    • Vitamin B1: thiamine

    Which Vitamin B Is Good For The Nerves

    If you often have to deal with stress, you should make sure you take in plenty of vitamin B. For example, vitamin B2 protects the cells from oxidative stress. Vitamins B2, B3, B6, B12 reduce fatigue. And vitamins B1, B3, B6, B7, B12 contribute to normal mental function.

    It is best to eat a breakfast rich in vitamin B in the morning with wholemeal products, dairy products and nuts. Our porridges and mueslis are very suitable for this, because oatmeal in particular is a great vitamin-rich breakfast base! They also keep you full for a long time, your nerves are strengthened and nothing stands in the way of a stress-free morning.

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    Causes Of Vitamin B Deficiency

    Vitamin B deficiency is caused by not having enough of this vital nutrient in the body, and this can be caused by multiple factors. There are a range of causes of vitamin B deficiency which include:

  • Insufficient dietary intake
  • The inability to absorb it adequately
  • A medical condition
  • Pernicious anaemia – Pernicious anaemia is an autoimmune condition that affects your stomach and therefore your ability to absorb vitamins. This is the most common cause of vitamin B12 deficiency in the UK.
  • Prevent Vitamin B Deficiency With Oats And Porridge

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    Vitamin B is mainly found in whole grain products! That is why a nutritious, warm breakfast with oats is the ideal start to the day! For example, you can prepare a delicious porridge and top it off with nuts. This way you get twice as much vitamin B!

    You can easily do this with Overnight Oats! You can prepare them the night before and top them off with fresh fruit in the morning and your healthy breakfast is ready!

    A recipe rich in vitamin B is our basic recipe for oatmeal:

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    Reap The Health Benefits Of B Vitamins

    Good nutrition is tied to good health, as well as to the prevention and treatment of many conditions. Getting the recommended amounts of vitamins each day is an important part of the nutrition equation, and B vitamins are essential for preventive care. Abundant in green vegetables, whole or enriched grains, dairy, and meats, B vitamins help promote a healthy metabolism and are also linked to a reduced risk of stroke, research shows.

    Take vitamin B12, for example. According to the Mayo Clinic, vitamin B12, a water-soluble vitamin, plays a significant role in nerve function, the formation of red blood cells, and the production of DNA. While most people get plenty of vitamin B12 benefits in a varied, balanced diet, if you are on a vegan or vegetarian diet, you are at risk for vitamin B12 deficiency. Also, elderly adults and people with GI disorders lack adequate B12.

    • Depression
    • Weakened immune system

    Its been known that some people with B vitamin deficiencies experience depression, anxiety, and mood swings. Folate is in the forefront of mood management. Findings show that many people with depression have lower levels of folate in the blood. Folate is found in green leafy vegetables, beans, peas, peanuts, and other legumes, and citrus fruits. The Food and Drug Administration began requiring manufacturers to add folic acid to enriched breads, cereals, flours, cornmeal, pasta, rice, and other grain products in 1998.

    Thiamine Recommended Daily Intake

    The Food and Nutrition Board at the Institute of Medicine of the National Academies established the recommended dietary allowances for all the nutrients, including thiamine. The tolerable thiamine upper limit level in these guidelines points to the maximum dose per day.

    In a nutshell, the RDA is an average daily intake that should meet healthy peoples nutrient requirements. Overall, meeting these requirements shouldnt be a problem with a number of vitamin B1 supplements and vitamin B1 foods easily accessible.

    The recommended daily intake of vitamin B1 is different depending on age and sex:

    • from birth to 6 months0.2 mg
    • from 7 to 12 months0.3 mg
    • from 1 to 3 years0.5 mg
    • from 4 to 8 years0.6 mg
    • from 9 to 13 years0.9 mg
    • from 14 to 18 years1.2 mg and 1.0 mg
    • 19+ years1.2 mg and 1.1 mg

    When it comes to pregnant and breastfeeding women supplementing thiamine, their daily intake should be increased. Their RDA for vitamin B1 is 1.4 mg when pregnant and 1.4 mg when breastfeeding.

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