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HomeFactsIs Vitamin B6 Good For Arthritis

Is Vitamin B6 Good For Arthritis

Effect Of Treatment On Disease Markers And Vitamin B

Vitamin B6 Benefits: B Complex Controls Inflammation

After 3 mo treatment with TNF inhibitors, geometric means for clinical scores, ultrasonography scores, and CRP were considerably reduced . Geometric mean PLP was significantly increased by 16% , but HK: XA showed no significant overall change. Geometric mean DAS28 was reduced by 33% . Regression analyses showed that the change in DAS28 at 3 mo was not dependent on baseline PLP , or type of TNF treatment , but was slightly larger for younger patients and for the Bergen subcohort .

GAM curves, including all the participants, showed that the reduction in DAS28 was positively related to the change in PLP and inversely related to the change in HK: XA . The relations were linear for both PLP and HK: XA . The majority of participants experienced reduced DAS28 and increased PLP, but no significant overall change in HK: XA. There was, however, a clear tendency of reduced HK: XA among the participants with the greatest improvement in DAS28. A minority of participants experienced an increase in DAS28, which was associated with reduced PLP and increased HK: XA. Association of vitamin B-6 markers with DAS28 was similar for the Oslo and Bergen cohorts .

Change in clinical data and biomarkers in RA patients after 3 mo treatment with TNF inhibitors according to EULAR response groups


Vitamin B6indices Were Altered In Specific Tissues During Inflammation In Humans With Rheumatoid Arthritis

In the human study, plasma pyridoxal 5′-phosphate concentrations were significantly lower in patients than in healthy subjects . This observation was comparable to our previous finding . In contrast, no difference was found between patients and controls in erythrocyte pyridoxal 5′-phosphate or erythrocyte aspartate aminotransferase or 4-pyridoxic acid levels. No difference was found in concentrations of plasma folate, red blood cell folate or plasma vitamin B12 between patients and controls.

These results suggest that the lower vitamin B6 concentration in patients with rheumatoid arthritis is tissue-specific.

Enhances The Health Of Blood Vessels

It regulates the levels of homocysteine in the blood. This is a type of amino acid acquired from consuming protein from sources such as meat. Since high levels of this compound can lead to inflammation and the onset of many heart diseases it is important that you add vitamin B6 to your diet to maintain good levels of homocysteine.

If someone suffers from a vitamin B6 deficiency, then he is likely to have an excess of homocysteine, which can lead to a heart attack in worse cases.

It also maintains good cholesterol and blood pressure levels to prevent many types of heart disorders.

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Impressive Benefits Of Vitamin B6

Vitamin B6 or Pyridoxine has innumerable benefits, these benefits includes supporting a healthier skin, detoxifying the liver, enhancing the health of blood vessels, improving cognitive function, relieving mood swings, curing anemia, supporting eye health, relieving the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis, preventing diabetes, relieving carpal tunnel syndrome, treating pregnancy related nausea, and treating hair loss.

How To Take It

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People who eat a balanced diet should meet the daily requirement for vitamin B6 without taking a supplement. As with all medications and supplements, check with a health care provider before giving vitamin B6 supplements to a child.

Daily recommendations for dietary vitamin B6 are:


  • Men and women, 19 to 50 years: 1.3 mg
  • Men, 51 years and older: 1.7 mg
  • Women, 51 years and older: 1.5 mg
  • Pregnant women: 1.9 mg
  • Breastfeeding women: 2.0 mg

Larger doses have been used in some studies. But you should not take doses above 100 mg per day without a doctor’s supervision. Large doses of B6 may cause nerve damage.

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Induction And Progression Of Adjuvant Arthritis In Animals

Adjuvant arthritis was induced as described in the Materials and methods section. Arthritis onset was on day 14 the rats injected with adjuvant showed arthritic reactions including swollen paws and hind legs. Inflammation reached its peak on day 21 after the adjuvant injection. Joint swelling and body weight reduction continued for a further 4 weeks after the onset of arthritis . Animals in the control and adjuvant groups were well matched in body weight at baseline before the induction of adjuvant arthritis.

Adjuvant Arthritis Altered Vitamin B6contents In Specific Tissues In The Lewis Rat Model

At baseline before the adjuvant/saline injection, there was no difference between the adjuvant arthritis group and the saline-injected group in plasma concentrations of pyridoxal 5′-phosphate or urinary 4-pyridoxic acid excretion. These observations indicated that the animals were also well matched at baseline with regard to their vitamin B6 status. From then on, each control animal received the same amount of food as its experimental counterpart ingested during the previous 24 hours this pair-feeding procedure minimized the impact of various vitamin intakes between the adjuvant-treated and the control animals. Adjuvant arthritis reached its peak 21 days after the injection. At peak inflammation, significantly lower levels of pyridoxal 5′-phosphate were found in the circulation and in liver in those arthritis rats, but muscle pyridoxal 5′-phosphate concentration seemed to be unaltered. A lower level of pyridoxal 5′-phosphate was also present in the circulation and in liver during chronic inflammation on day 42. However, prolonged inflammation did not alter the muscle content of pyridoxal 5′-phosphate. Plasma pyridoxal 5′-phosphate concentration was correlated with hepatic pyridoxal 5′-phosphate content during peak and chronic inflammation.

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Side Effects And Risks

B vitamins are water-soluble. This means that, most of the time, the body excretes extra B vitamins in the urine.

While a standard dosage does not seem to cause harm, excessively high doses of certain B vitamins can be dangerous. Speak with a clinician before taking very high doses of B-complex supplements.

Possible side effects of B-complex vitamins:

  • High blood sugar. High doses of nicotinic acid, a synthetic form of vitamin B-3, can raise blood sugar levels. This can interfere with diabetes medications. People with diabetes or high blood sugar should not take high doses of nicotinic acid .
  • Excess nicotinic acid. Too much nicotinic acid can also cause low blood pressure, fatigue, headaches, rashes, and liver damage.
  • Excess nicotinamide. High doses of nicotinamide, another form of vitamin B-3, can cause diarrhea and increased bleeding. This can occur in doses of 500 mg per day. Doses higher than 3,000 mg can cause vomiting and liver damage.
  • Excess folic acid. Taking more than 1,000 mcg of folic acid a day can mask a type of anemia caused by vitamin B-12 deficiency.

Taking a high-dose B-complex supplement can also turn the urine bright yellow. This effect is temporary and harmless. Once the kidneys get rid of the extra vitamins, the color will return to normal.

Top 10 Vitamin B6 Foods

Vitamin B6 Benefits & The Role It Plays In Your Body | BodyManual

One of the best ways to increase your intake of this important water-soluble vitamin is to squeeze more vitamin B foods into your daily diet. Here are a few of the top foods with B6 to get you started:

  • Turkey Breast 3 ounces: 0.7 milligram
  • Grass-Fed Beef 3 ounces beef tenderloin: 0.5 milligram
  • Pistachios 1/4 cup: 0.5 milligram
  • Tuna 1 3-ounce can: 0.4 milligram
  • Pinto Beans 1 cup cooked: 0.4 milligram
  • Avocado 1 raw: 0.4 milligram
  • Chicken Breast ½ one breast: 0.3 milligram
  • Blackstrap Molasses 2 tablespoons: 0.26 milligram
  • Sunflower Seeds 1/4 cup: 0.25 milligram
  • Sesame Seeds 1/4 cup: 0.25 milligram
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    Animals Diet And Study Conditions

    Both animal studies were approved by the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee. Study 1 investigated the impacts of physiologic doses of selective cyclooxygenase-2 inhibitor celecoxib and nonselective cyclooxygenase inhibitor naproxen on tissue vitamin B-6 status. Study 2 investigated the effects of long-term physiologic doses of celecoxib and naproxen treatments on vitamin B-6 metabolism in hypercholesterolemic animals. In study 1, 18 male, 4-wk-old C57BL/6J mice were fed a standard AIN-93M diet that contained 6 mg pyridoxine/kg diet throughout the study period . In study 2, 18 male, 7-wk-old Syrian hamsters were fed a modified AIN-93M hypercholesterolemic diet that contained 6 mg pyridoxine/kg diet throughout the study period . After 2 wk of adaptation, animals in both studies were divided by weight into vehicle control, naproxen, and celecoxib groups. All animals were maintained in a temperature- and humidity-controlled environment with a 12-h light/12-h dark cycle with food and sterilized water ad libitum. Food intakes were measured daily, and body weight was recorded 2 times/wk. A 24-h urine specimen was collected from each animal the excretion of urinary 4-pyridoxic acid and creatinine was subsequently measured by using an enzymatic colorimetric assay according to the manufacturers instructions .

    Pain Relief Gels And Sprays

    While vitamins can help your body get stronger and alleviate some of the problems linked to pain, there are times when you need something more immediate. Pain relief remedies are available in the form of pain relief sprays, gels, and ointments. Omnigel is a popular topical pain relief treatment that offers respite from aches and pains linked to arthritis, sports injuries, sprains, and more. Easy-to-use, it only needs to be applied to the area where you are experiencing pain for easing of not just the pain but also any associated inflammation and stiffness. Omnigel is available at pharmacies across the country as well as online and is a convenient pain relief remedy for most common ailments.

    Try Omnigel as a remedy for your musculoskeletal pains including pain in the joints, neck and shoulder pain, sore muscles, and more. Find out more about Omnigel.

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    Vitamin B6 Foods For A Much Healthier Brain

    Vitamin B6 is one of the eight vitamins of the vitamin B complex. All eight vitamins are involved in converting foods into energy needed for the normal functioning of the body. In addition to this function, vitamin B6 has many other vital roles. Therefore, it is crucial to consume enough vitamin B6 foods to feel good and stay healthy. Now, lets dive deeper into the matter.

    Duration Of Cyclooxygenase Inhibitor Use

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    NSAIDs used in study subjects included celecoxib, meloxicam, nimed, sulindac, and diclofenac. In subjects who were taking cyclooxygenase inhibitors, 74% of them had been taking NSAIDs > 6 mo . The duration of NSAID use was based on the prescription history that was confirmed by a questionnaire administered by the study personnel. The Duration of NSAID use was divided into the following 3 categories: no use, 6 mo, or > 6 mo.

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    Vitamin B: Don’t Get Too Much Of A Good Thing

    Experts say until more research confirms the role of vitamin B6 in chronic inflammation, people should focus on including sources of the vitamin in their diet to reap the other proven benefits of the nutrient, rather than taking a supplement.

    “When research comes out like this, people often run to the supplement store rather than the supermarket,” says registered dietician Joan Salge Blake, a spokeswoman for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics.

    “Vitamin B6 is one of those nutrients that is present robustly in lean chicken breast and hamburger, fish, in very affordable legumes and pinto beans, and of course beautiful vegetables like red peppers and potatoes,” Salge Blake tells WebMD.

    Blake says vitamin B6 is vital to more than 100 enzyme processes in the body, mostly those involving the metabolism of protein.

    But there can be too much of a good thing. Studies have shown taking large amounts of vitamin B6 can cause nerve damage, difficulty walking, or tingling.

    “Some is good. More is not better,” says Salge Blake. “Just having a well-balanced diet will meet your needs.”

    Guarantees A Healthier Skin

    One of the most remarkable benefits of vitamin B6 is that it helps to maintain flawless skin. If you want to prevent premature aging signs, then vitamin B6 is one of the best natural ways to slow down the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

    It is also helpful in relieving many skin conditions including dry skin, eczema and acne. It also treats a few serious skin disorders such as melanoma and psoriasis.

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    Vitamin B: Functions Food Sources Deficiencies And Toxicity

    Vitamin B6, also known Pyridoxine is one of the water-soluble B vitamins that is extremely essential for healthy brain development and boosting the immune system. It holds high significance in helping the body to produce neurotransmitters like norepinephrine, epinephrine, dopamine and serotonin.

    Vitamin B6 is the common generic name given to six compounds with vitamin B6 activity such as pyridoxine, i.e. alcohol pyridoxal, i.e. an aldehyde and pyridoxamine, which contains an amino group and their respective 5-phosphate esters. Pyridoxamine 5 phosphate and pyridoxal 5 phosphate are the active coenzyme forms of vitamin B6. Also Read: Vitamin B5: Functions, Food Sources, Deficiencies and Toxicity

    Both the active forms of vitamin B6 i.e. PLP and PMP assists as coenzymes in several enzymatic reactions including amino acid, glucose, and lipid metabolism. It also plays a key role in gluconeogenesis and glycogenolysis, metabolism of nutrients, synthesis and function of histamines, haemoglobin, neurotransmitters and also in the expression of genes.

    Vitamin B6 also facilitates the body in breaking down food i.e. complex carbohydrates into simple forms of sugar i.e. glucose, fats and proteins which in turn provides energy for carrying out various bodily activities. It also synthesizes amino acids and proteins and helps in the formation of the myelin sheath that surrounds the nerves.

    What Foods Provide Vitamin B6

    What is Vitamin B6? Deficiencies, Symptoms, and Foods

    Your body cant make or store the vitamin, but you can find pyridoxine in food. Because of this, its easy to get the daily vitamin B6 dosage just by eating the right foods. If you like eating fish, potatoes, fortified cereals, fruit , beef, chicken, and starchy vegetables, you probably get enough of the vitamin through these sources. Just in case youre not able to get all these delicious foods on your table, there is still good news.

    The Good Mood Co has made it extremely easy for you to get at least 0.75mg of the vitamin every day. It comes conveniently wrapped in the Good NightRecovery Pack. It contains a wide range of essential goodies for your mental and physical health.

    Further Reading

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    Simple Lifestyle Changes Can Combat Your Pain

    Besides diet, Dr. Berkower recommends making some basic lifestyle adjustments, such as avoiding repetitive movements, increasing your amount of light to moderate exercise, and not remaining sedentary for long periods of time. Be sure to get up from your computer regularly to stretch and move around. Dr. Berkower offers specific exercises that help rather than harm.

    If you smoke, quit. And dont overdo your alcohol consumption.

    Vitamin B6 And Diabetes

    Vitamin B6 has been found to be associated with diabetes, wherein blood PLP levels are lower in these patients . Studies have demonstrated that vitamin B6 supplementation reduces the incidence of diabetes and its complications . Vitamin B6 deficiency is associated with insulin-glucagon dysregulation, glucose tolerance, and -cell degeneration . Since vascular disease is a hallmark of diabetic complications, this may explain the comorbidities of CVD, hypertension, and diabetes in COVID-19. Vitamin B6 was even found to play a beneficial role in vascular endothelial function in diabetic patients . Among the B6-vitamers, pyridoxamine has anti-glycation activity and inhibits the formation of advanced glycation end-products that are major mediators of inflammation, oxidative stress, and endothelial-vascular wall damage . Increase in AGEs is implicated in initiation and progression of diabetes-associated microvascular diseases, major diabetic complications. Based on these notions, we can assume that sufficient vitamin B6 levels are beneficial to suppress severity of COVID-19, partly through ameliorating diabetic complications.

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    Risks And Side Effects

    Like other B vitamins, such as riboflavin and thiamine, vitamin B6 is a water-soluble vitamin, meaning that if you consume too much vitamin B it will simply be excreted through the urine. For this reason, there is minimal risk of vitamin B6 toxicity from vitamin B6 foods.

    However, a vitamin B overdose is possible if high doses are consumed from supplements. Some of the most common signs of toxicity can include nausea, vomiting, excessive thirst, increased urination and flushing of the skin. High amounts of B6 can even contribute to more serious side effects like nerve damage.

    Vitamin B6 can interact with other medications when taken in high amounts. If youre being treated for any of the following conditions with medications, its always a good idea to talk to your doctor before taking any supplements, including B6.

    Some medications that interact with vitamin B6 include:

    • Drugs used for treating Parkinsons and Alzheimers disease, anemia, seizures, or heart disease
    • Any drugs used in chemotherapy
    • Cycloserine or Isoniazid for treating tuberculosis
    • Hydralazine for treating high blood pressure
    • Penicillamine used to treat rheumatoid arthritis
    • Theophylline used to treat asthma
    • Antibiotics including Tetracycline
    • Antidepressant medications, including Pamelor, Elavil, desipramine, Norpramin and Tofranil
    • Some antidepressants called monoamine oxidase inhibitors may also be able to reduce blood levels of vitamin B6

    May Improve Mood And Reduce Symptoms Of Depression

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    Vitamin B6 plays an important role in mood regulation.

    This is partly because this vitamin is necessary for creating neurotransmitters that regulate emotions, including serotonin, dopamine and gamma-aminobutyric acid .

    Vitamin B6 may also play a role in decreasing high blood levels of the amino acid homocysteine, which have been linked to depression and other psychiatric issues .

    Several studies have shown that depressive symptoms are associated with low blood levels and intakes of vitamin B6, especially in older adults who are at high risk for B vitamin deficiency .

    One study in 250 older adults found that deficient blood levels of vitamin B6 doubled the likelihood of depression (

    12 ).

    A controlled two-year study in approximately 300 older men who did not have depression at the start found that those taking a supplement with B6, folate and B12 were not less likely to have depressive symptoms compared to the placebo group .

    Summary Low levels of vitamin B6 in older adults have been linked to depression, but research has not shown that B6 is an effective treatment for mood disorders.

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