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HomeFactsVitamins And Their Functions Sources And Deficiency Chart

Vitamins And Their Functions Sources And Deficiency Chart

The Difference Between Vitamins And Minerals

Vitamins short tricks | vitamins and deficiency diseases

Although they are all considered micronutrients, vitamins and minerals differ in basic ways. Vitamins are organic and can be broken down by heat, air, or acid. Minerals are inorganic and hold on to their chemical structure.

So why does this matter? It means the minerals in soil and water easily find their way into your body through the plants, fish, animals, and fluids you consume. But its tougher to shuttle vitamins from food and other sources into your body because cooking, storage, and simple exposure to air can inactivate these more fragile compounds.

Vitamins Sources Functions And Deficiency Diseases Caused By Various Vitamins

Vitamins are the essential dietary factors that are required for healthy & normal functioning of the body. These are available in various food that are consumed daily. There are two varieties of vitamins, their disparities, functioning structure, sources and deficiency diseases are mentioned below in this present article.

Vitamin C Deficiency And Scurvy

A severe lack of vitamin C can lead to scurvy. We may think of it as a disease of the past, but it does still exist. Factors or lifestyle issues that may increase your scurvy risk include:

  • regularly eating unhealthy foods
  • small pinpoint bleeding around hair follicles visible in the skin.

If you or someone you care for is at risk, please see your doctor.

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Food Sources Of Vitamin D

Only a small amount of Vitamin D is sourced from our diet. Sources include:

Treatment options include improved sunlight exposure, diet, exercise, vitamin and mineral supplements.

If you are concerned about vitamin D levels, see your GP. Your GP may recommend vitamin D supplements, which should be taken strictly as directed.

Vitamins And Their Functions Sources And Deficiency Chart Pdf Jobs

B vitamins, their functions, and sources.

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Vitamins And Their Functions

A vitamin is an organic compound found in food and other natural sources that our body needs for basic function and health. Many vitamins are available to us via food.

For example, citrus fruits are an abundant source of vitamin C. We get vitamin D by eating fish, eggs, and mushrooms. Exposure to sunlight is an important source of Vitamin D as well.

Below is a brief overview of the roles that these vitamins play in our health, how we know when we are deficient, and where vitamins can be found in food.

The 13 Vitamins Your Body Needs

Vitamins are organic nutrients that your body needs to maintain health. All vitamins are considered essential yet, even though your body requires them, it cant produce them by itself in adequate quantities. That means you have to get them from food, drink, or supplements. All told, there are 13 essential vitamins.

At Prestige Physicians in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, internists Dr. Kira Fenton and Dr. Cristina Savu strive to provide the best holistic care for our patients. That includes providing IV therapy to deliver the vitamins and minerals you may be lacking.

To help you understand how important vitamins are to good health, our team has put together this guide to the 13 vitamins your body needs.

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Key Vitamins And Minerals For People Over Age 51

Explore details about the following vitamins and minerals and recommended amounts for older adults:

Vitamin A. Food Sources: Vitamin A can be found in products such as eggs and milk. It can also be found in vegetables and fruits, like carrots and mangoes.

  • Men Age 51+: Most men 51 and older should aim for 900 mcg RAE.
  • Women Age 51+: Most women 51 and older should aim for 700 mcg RAE each day.

Vitamin B1 . Food Sources: You can find vitamin B1 in meat especially pork and fish. Its also in whole grains and some fortified breads, cereals, and pastas.

  • Men Age 51+: Most men 51 and older should aim for 1.2 mg each day.
  • Women Age 51+: Most women 51 and older should aim for 1.1 mg each day.

Vitamin B2 . Food Sources: You can find vitamin B2 in eggs and organ meat, such as liver and kidneys, and lean meat. You can also find it in green vegetables, like asparagus and broccoli.

  • Men Age 51+: Most men 51 and older should aim for 1.3 mg each day.
  • Women Age 51+: Most women 51 and older should aim for 1.1 mg each day.

Vitamin B3 . Food Sources: Vitamin B3 can be found in some types of nuts, legumes, and grains. It can also be found in poultry, beef, and fish.

  • Men Age 51+: Most men 51 and older should aim for 16 mg each day.
  • Women Age 51+: Most women 51 and older should aim for 14 mg each day.

Vitamin B6. Food Sources: Vitamin B6 is found in a wide variety of foods. The richest sources of vitamin B6 include fish, beef liver, potatoes and other starchy vegetables, and fruit .

Summary Of Study Session 2

Types of Vitamins (Water Soluble, Fat Soluble Vitamins) | Functions of Vitamins| Deficiency Diseases

In Study Session 2 you have learned that:

  • Carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, minerals, water and fibre are the main groups of nutrients which together, but in variable amounts, make up a balanced diet.
  • Nutrients are grouped into macronutrients and micronutrients. Carbohydrates, proteins, fats and water are macronutrients, and vitamins and minerals are micronutrients.
  • Although most foods are mixtures of nutrients, many of them contain a lot of one nutrient and a little of the other nutrients. Foods are often grouped according to the nutrient that they contain in abundance.
  • Unsaturated fats are healthy fats saturated fats are unhealthy fats. Therefore people in your community need to eat more of the unsaturated fats and try to reduce their intake of saturated fats.
  • Vitamins are substances present in small amounts in foodstuffs and are necessary for the body to function normally. Vitamins are also called protective foods.
  • Minerals have a number of functions in the body including developing body tissues and supporting metabolic processes. The minerals that are of most importance are calcium, iron, iodine, zinc and fluorine.
  • In order to have a healthy life and good nutritional status, a person needs to eat a balanced diet. You need to know the commonly used food groups in order to advise the people in your community on how to have a balanced diet.
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    Recommended Sodium Intake For Older Adults

    Sodium is another important mineral. In most Americans diets, sodium primarily comes from salt . Whenever you add salt to your food, you’re adding sodium. But the Dietary Guidelines shows that most of the sodium we eat doesnt come from our saltshakers its added to many foods during processing or preparation. We all need some sodium, but too much over time can lead to high blood pressure, which can raise your risk of having a heart attack or stroke.

    How much sodium is okay? People 51 and older should reduce their sodium intake to 2,300 mg each day. That is about one teaspoon of salt and includes sodium added during manufacturing or cooking as well as at the table when eating. If you have high blood pressure or prehypertension, limiting sodium intake to 1,500 mg per day, about 2/3 teaspoon of salt, may be helpful. Preparing your own meals at home without using a lot of processed foods or salt will allow you to control how much sodium you get. Try using less salt when cooking, and dont add salt before you take the first bite. If you make this change slowly, you will get used to the difference in taste. Also look for grocery products marked low sodium, unsalted, no salt added, sodium free, or salt free. Also check the Nutrition Facts Label to see how much sodium is in a serving.

    A Closer Look At Major Minerals

    The body needs, and stores, fairly large amounts of the major minerals. These minerals are no more important to your health than the trace minerals theyre just present in your body in greater amounts.

    Major minerals travel through the body in various ways. Potassium, for example, is quickly absorbed into the bloodstream, where it circulates freely and is excreted by the kidneys, much like a water-soluble vitamin. Calcium is more like a fat-soluble vitamin because it requires a carrier for absorption and transport.

    Major minerals

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    Essential Nutrients For Your Body

    Every day, your body produces skin, muscle, and bone. It churns out rich red blood that carries nutrients and oxygen to remote outposts, and it sends nerve signals skipping along thousands of miles of brain and body pathways. It also formulates chemical messengers that shuttle from one organ to another, issuing the instructions that help sustain your life.

    But to do all this, your body requires some raw materials. These include at least 30 vitamins, minerals, and dietary components that your body needs but cannot manufacture on its own in sufficient amounts.

    Vitamins and minerals are considered essential nutrientsbecause acting in concert, they perform hundreds of roles in the body. They help shore up bones, heal wounds, and bolster your immune system. They also convert food into energy, and repair cellular damage.

    But trying to keep track of what all these vitamins and minerals do can be confusing. Read enough articles on the topic, and your eyes may swim with the alphabet-soup references to these nutrients, which are known mainly be their initials .

    In this article, youll gain a better understanding of what these vitamins and minerals actually do in the body and why you want to make sure youre getting enough of them.

    On Fetal Growth And Childhood Development

    vitamins and minerals sources and functions chart

    Vitamins are essential for the normal growth and development of a multicellular organism. Using the genetic blueprint inherited from its parents, a fetusdevelops from the nutrients it absorbs. It requires certain vitamins and minerals to be present at certain times. These nutrients facilitate the chemical reactions that produce among other things, skin, bone, and muscle. If there is serious deficiency in one or more of these nutrients, a child may develop a deficiency disease. Even minor deficiencies may cause permanent damage.

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    What Are The Two Main Groups Of Vitamins

    Traditionally vitamins are separated into two groups, the water-soluble and the fat-soluble vitamins. The water-soluble vitamins are thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, vitamin B6, folic acid, vitamin B12, pantothenic acid, biotin, and vitamin C. The fat-soluble vitamins are vitamin A, vitamin E, vitamin D, and vitamin K.

    Classification Of Essential Nutrients

    Based on the amount of the nutrients that each person needs to consume on a daily basis, these nutrients are categorised into two groups. These are macronutrients, which should be consumed in fairly large amounts, and micronutrients, which are only required in small amounts.

    2.1.1 Macronutrients

    Macro means large as their name suggests these are nutrients which people need to eat regularly and in a fairly large amount. They include carbohydrates, fats, proteins, fibre and water. These substances are needed for the supply of energy and growth, for metabolism and other body functions.

    Metabolism means the process involved in the generation of energy and all the building blocks required to maintain the body and its functions.

    Macronutrients provide a lot of calories but the amount of calories provided varies, depending on the food source. For example, each gram of carbohydrate or protein provides four calories, while fat provides nine calories for each gram.

    2.1.2 Micronutrients

    As their name indicates micronutrients are substances which people need in their diet in only small amounts. These include minerals and vitamins.

    Although most foods are mixtures of nutrients, many of them contain a lot of one nutrient and a little of the other nutrients. Foods are often grouped according to the nutrient that they contain in abundance .

    Box 2.1 Nutrient types and their names

    Foods in which the most important nutrients are vitamins or minerals are called protective foods.

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    Youll Surely Benefit From This Vitamins And Minerals Chart

    Take a look at this vitamins and minerals chart that enlists all the necessary vitamins and minerals required for overall health and well-being.

    Take a look at this vitamins and minerals chart that enlists all the necessary vitamins and minerals required for overall health and well-being.

    Different types of vitamins and minerals enable healthy body function. They help in repairing damaged cells and tissues, in the production of important cells, in healthy brain function, and a host of other functions required for normal health and well-being. While vitamins are organic, minerals are inorganic. This means, the former are made by plants and animals, while the latter are found in the soil and water, which are then absorbed by plants and animals. A comprehensive vitamins and minerals chart is provided in the paragraphs below for you to understand the importance of these nutrients.

    Micronutrients: Types Functions Benefits And More

    Vitamins (Classification, Function, resources and deficiency)

    Micronutrients are one of the major groups of nutrients your body needs. They include vitamins and minerals.

    Vitamins are necessary for energy production, immune function, blood clotting and other functions. Meanwhile, minerals play an important role in growth, bone health, fluid balance and several other processes.

    This article provides a detailed overview of micronutrients, their functions and implications of excess consumption or deficiency.

    The term micronutrients is used to describe vitamins and minerals in general.

    Macronutrients, on the other hand, include proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

    Your body needs smaller amounts of micronutrients relative to macronutrients. Thats why theyre labeled micro.

    Humans must obtain micronutrients from food since your body cannot produce vitamins and minerals for the most part. Thats why theyre also referred to as essential nutrients.

    Vitamins are organic compounds made by plants and animals which can be broken down by heat, acid or air. On the other hand, minerals are inorganic, exist in soil or water and cannot be broken down.

    When you eat, you consume the vitamins that plants and animals created or the minerals they absorbed.

    The micronutrient content of each food is different, so its best to eat a variety of foods to get enough vitamins and minerals.

    An adequate intake of all micronutrients is necessary for optimal health, as each vitamin and mineral has a specific role in your body.

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    Cutting Down On Free Sugar

    Foods that contain free sugars aren’t required as part of a healthy balanced diet, so you should try to eat these less often and in smaller amounts.

    To do this, use food labels to choose items that are lower in sugar and swap:

    • sugary breakfast cereals for plain cereals – such as plain porridge, wholewheat biscuit cereals, shredded wholewheat or no added sugar muesli
    • flavoured or corner-style yoghurts for low fat, lower sugar yoghurts, adding fresh fruit for variety
    • sugary drinks for water, lower fat milk, sugar-free drinks or tea and coffee

    Sugary drinks account for a surprisingly large proportion of the daily sugar intake of both children and adults. Almost a third of the free sugars consumed by 11 to 18 year olds come from soft drinks.

    Cereal bars often contain high levels of free sugars too, so remember to check the label.

    How Can I Get The Vitamins And Minerals I Need

    It is usually better to get the nutrients you need from food, rather than a pill. Thats because nutrient-dense foods contain other things that are good for you, like fiber.

    Most older adults can get all the nutrients they need from foods. But if you arent sure, always talk with your doctor or a registered dietitian to find out if you are missing any important vitamins or minerals. Your doctor or dietitian may recommend a vitamin or dietary supplement.

    Its important to be aware that some supplements can have side effects, such as increasing the risk of bleeding after an injury or changing your response to anesthesia during surgery. Supplements can also interact with some medicines in ways that might cause problems. For example, vitamin K can reduce the ability of the common blood thinner warfarin to prevent blood from clotting. If you do need to supplement your diet, your doctor or pharmacist can tell you what supplements and doses are safe for you.

    When looking for supplements to buy, you may feel overwhelmed by the number of choices at the pharmacy or grocery store. Look for a supplement that contains the vitamin or mineral you need without a lot of other unnecessary ingredients. Read the label to make sure the dose is not too large. Avoid supplements with megadoses. Too much of some vitamins and minerals can be harmful, and you might be paying for supplements you dont need. Your doctor or pharmacist can recommend brands that fit your needs.

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